Jesus is calling
To turn all people into fully focused followers of God
Dare to desire – dream big dreams
At River of Life Church, we will reach out to the lost in our community. People matter to God; therefore they matter to us.
We will see all our people move from spiritual babies, to children and finally into maturity as adults. Where they are birthed, grown and then sent out to continue the spiritual life cycle.
We will see our church meeting in small groups around our community – children, youth, and adults – where they can be a light within our community.
We will see all our people operating in their ministries and giftings.
Encouraging them to attend conferences and workshops to help them further develop their God given ministries.
Our church will be a place that encourages use of ministries both within and outside of our church.
We will become an Acts church where we regularly gather together in fellowship and love. Where as a spiritual family we continue to grow together in love.
We desire to have a facility which caters for all age groups and ministries. A facility which will cater for continuing growth both internally and externally.
The Church Goals
Moving out in our Giftings & Ministries – during the 2025 ministry year we will discover & actively move out in the spiritual gifts & ministries that God have given us, as stated in 1 Corinthians 12: 7-11 & Romans 12: 6-8
Valuing God's Presence - during the 2025 ministry year we will actively seek to increase the honour, respect & value we place on God's presence in our lives, services & ministries, as stated in Acts 9: 31 & Philippians 2: 12.
Mobilising 100% of our church – during the 2025 ministry year we will actively move out in the ‘great commission’ within our community.
Matthew 28:18-20.
Moving in the Supernatural – during the 2025 ministry year we will actively move out in the supernatural authority & power of the Holy Spirit, as stated in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, Acts 1:8, Matthew 10:1 & 7-8, John 14:12 in both our church services & our Christian ministry within the community.