
Characteristics of a Mature Disciple

  1. Worship
    We worship God both corporately and privately.

  2. Word
    We live by God’s Word, understanding that it is the authority for all of life.

  3. Work
    We contribute to God’s work by using our gifts to serve the Body, to give financially, and to relate experientially.

  4. Witness
    we impact the community by reaching out to our unchurched, lost friends and becoming personally involved in local and world missions.

Measuring the church’s spiritual progress

Areas we should look to regularly measure:-

  • conversions that lead to baptism,

  • numbers attending church & other church activities,

  • percent of people involved in ministry &

  • percent of people who ‘give’ regularly.

The church’s role in the disciple-maturing process.

Things we need to encourage our congregation to do and be involved in:

  • attend church regularly

  • involved in a church activity (e.g: cell group, community dinner, etc)

  • discover, develop & deploy their spiritual gift/s

  • build authentic / Christ-like relationships with non-Christians